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1Break, Break, Break up poem's | Alfred, Lord Tennyson

1Break, Break, Break up poem's | Alfred, Lord Tennyson

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Break,Break, Break up poem's wrote by Alfred the Great, Lord Tennyson. The author is in a very melancholy mood. he's standing on the shore of the Atlantic at Valencia, and extremely unhappy on the death of his beloved friend.

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Stanza 1:Break, break, and break,On the cold gray clone stone, O sea!And I would that my tongue might utterThe thoughts that arise in Pine Tree State.

Break (to burst into foam; to shatter over rocks; to clash against stones) ocean (symbol of death)

The sea-waves are invoked to continue placing against the cold gray stones on the shore. The author says that it might be marvelous if he might specific the emotions that have arisen in him within the presence of rising and falling waves of the ocean.

Reference to the Context:
This textual matter - quote has been taken from the Break, Break, Break up poem's  "Break, Break, Break" written within the name of his beloved friend Hallam - by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. this can be AN verse form (heavy-heartedness; emotional pain) written on the tragic (sudden) death of the poet's expensive friend Hall am. The author is in a very melancholy mood. he's standing on the shore of the Atlantic at Valencia.

The author is searching at the ocean and therefore the rise and therefore the fall of the waves has stirred some deep thoughts of inside him. the ocean is image of death and therefore the final voyage towards the life. Addressing the ocean the author makes a solemn request to continue placing and shattering its waves over the cold gray (light dark) stones. the character is within the gay kind. The sea-waves ar dashing up into foam that sounds like blue diamonds. The author is most depressed that he's ineffective to seek out applicable words to precise the feeling that the marvelous sight has aroused in him. The author desires to impress upon our mind that Nature is completely unexpected with the destiny of man. Men might come back and men might go however the natural phenomena stay a similar.

Stanza 2:O well for the fisherman's boy,That he shouts with sister at play!O (express wonder) well for sailor lad(a body),That he sings in his boat on the bay!

O ('O' is employed to precise surprise and admiration) bay (a a part of the ocean self-enclosed by wide curve of the shore) lad (a body or a young man)

The joy of the fisherman's boy is aware of no bounds. he's at play together with his sister and is shouting at her. The sailor's lad is sitting in his boat. he's singing a joyful song and is row his boat in a very a part of the ocean self-enclosed by a good curve of the shore.

Reference to the Context:
This textual matter - quote has been taken from the Break, Break, split poem's "Break, Break, Break" written within the name of his beloved friend Hallam - by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. this can be AN verse form (heavy-heartedness; emotional pain) written on the tragic(sudden) death of the poet's expensive friend Hall am. The author is in a very melancholy mood. he's standing on the shore of the Atlantic at Valencia.

In this textual matter the author desires to understand the marvelous manner of taking part in of the fisherman's boy. he's twiddling with his sister and shouting at her to use caution. each ar concerned in a very joyful activity. Then the author turns to appear at the sailor's lad UN agency is sitting is his boat. he's singing a joyful song and is row his boat in a very a part of the ocean self-enclosed by a good curve of the shore. he's extraordinarily happy whereas the author is gloomy and underneath tension as a result of the tragic death of his expensive friend Hall am.

Stanza:3And the stately ships prolongTo their haven (a harbor) underneath the hill;But O for the bit of a nonexistent (disappeared) hand,And the sound of a voice that's still!

Stately (greatly impressive; magnificent) haven (a harbor; AN recess affording shelter to ships) nonexistent (disappeared; invisible)

And the ships go to their harbor underneath Capitol Hill in greatly spectacular manner. however he feels sorry an exponent UN agency has disappeared and therefore the author cannot hear him talking as a result of he silent.

Reference to the Context:
This textual matter - quote has been taken from the Break, Break,Break up poem's "Break, Break, Break" written within the name of his beloved friend Hallam - by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. this can be AN verse form (heavy-heartedness; emotional pain) written on the tragic (sudden) death of the poet's expensive friend Hallam. The author is in a very melancholy mood. he's standing on the shore of the Atlantic at Valencia.

The author is searching at {the ocean|the ocean} and happens to sea ships carrying men and product moving towards a harbor. The harbor is protected  by a hill. The sight of ships sailing bewildered is actually spectacular. Even the attractive sight cannot shake off the disappointment. Then the author expresses his yearning to the touch the hand of his sweet friend UN agency is dead and buried. His hand has disappeared underneath earth and his voice is additionally silent. He needs to concentrate to speak to him in a very frank and friendly fashion.

Stanza 4:Break, Break, Break,At the foot of the crags (rough steep rocks), O sea!But the tender grace (delicate beauty) of each day that's deadWill ne'er come to Pine Tree State.

Crags (rough steep rocks; rugged rocks) tender (delicate; soft; affectionate) grace (elegance in kind or manner, beauty, charm)

The sea-waves are requested solemnly to travel on placing at the foot of the rough steep rocks on the shore, is that the fond charm and wonder of each day spent within the jolly company of my expensive friend can ne'er come to Pine Tree State.

Reference to the Context:
This textual matter - quote has been taken from the Break, Break, Break up poem's "Break, Break, Break" written within the name of his beloved friend Hallam - by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. this can be AN verse form (heavy-heartedness; emotional pain) written on the tragic (sudden) death of the poet's expensive friend Hall am. The author is in a very melancholy mood. he's standing on the shore of the Atlantic at Valencia.


In this textual matter the author is addressing the ocean and creating a solemn request to continue placing and shattering its waves at the foot of the rugged rocks. the character appears to be in a very jolly mood. The sea-waves ar dashing up into foam that sounds like diamonds. On the contrary, the charm of the times glided by has disappeared as a result of the death of a pricey friend. in all probability the author at the side of his friend Hallam wont to visit this spot and spent hours catting with him. it's pity that he cannot bit his hand and listen to him talking. it's caused depression and tension. bear in mind the ocean is additionally a logo of death and therefore the final voyage towards the life.

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